I bought two of the Strain 7 inches back in the mid-90's. The Driven and Cataract records were pretty good, but I didn't really appreciate them at the time and they got pushed aside rather quickly as I was focusing on other bands at the time. It's kind of surprising that I didn't pay much attention to them back then as Strain definitely sounds like they could be Undertow's baby brother...and I was a huge fan of Undertow.I've definitely come to appreciate the band more over the past few years, but I still have a few records that haven't gotten around to listening to yet. As I was recently dropping cheap 7 inches in to my cart from a Discogs seller, I noticed this Strain record that I wasn't familiar with. It was on colored vinyl and the price was right, so I decided to take a chance.This record is fucking great. Definitely in that Undertow style that I'm familiar with from the two Heartfirst 7 inches. This yellow vinyl looks fantastic and it got me checking out other colored vinyl pressings for their stuff on Discogs...damn, I might need to start collecting this band.
46 minutes ago
Always loved this band. Wish there were more records of theirs for me to collect.
If I start collecting this band, I feel like all other records are going to command a higher price than I grabbed this one for. Some of them seem to carry a decent price tag.
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