I know that everyone likes to take a piss all over Record Store Day. I can understand the hate. With record stores slowly vanishing from existence, the day was created to celebrate those that were still around, as well as increasing the visibility of vinyl as a valid format as more kids were going digital. Like all things that start off with the purest intention, there will always be someone out there looking to exploit it and make some money. Over the past five years, we've seen more and more usless Record Store Day exclusive re-issues (do we really need another Jimi Hendrix 7 inch?) and some of the prices are retarded ($14 for a 7 inch?)...and do I need to mention the douchebag flippers that only want the most rare releases so they can cash in on eBay? Still, I'm not going to let these things get me down. I still look forward to this day, even if it is an excuse to head out for a day of record shopping.
This year, my shopping list of RSD releases was pretty small. There were only a few that I cared about, and of those, I wouldn't have been too upset if I didn't get my hands on one. Still, Jeff and I were standing in line at 8:45 in the morning, waiting for the doors to open.

The first piece of vinyl that I grabbed was the picture disc for Dio. People seem to love the Magica album, and claim it as their favorite from Dio's later years. While I do like it, I always prefer Killing The Dragon or Master Of The Moon over this one.

I generally don't care about picture discs, but I still have a love affair with all things Dio, so I quickly grabbed the only copy in the store. In years past, these Dio/Rainbow picture discs sell for around $26, so I was surprised to see this one only at $17.

Another picture disc that I was hoping to find was the Testament 7 inch.

Nothing new and exciting here. Just covers of Iron Maiden and Scorpions that were included on thier Dark Roots Of Earth album from last year. Still it is a nice collectable.

Next up is the recent batch of repressings from Revelation Records. This year's list was kind of a let down, but I do love The Nerve Agents, so at least there was one to look forward to.

I wasn't really interested in the other two REV releases, the first Sense Field LP and the Slipknot 7 inch. I'd never really bothered with either one of these, and chose to continue to ignore the Sense Field LP. Slipknot on the other hand, I figured that I'd give them a shot.
I remember reading some comparisons to early Corrosion Of Conformity, and this Slipknot EP definitely has some of that Animosity sound to it. I'm glad to finally have given this one a chance.

Victory has also gotten into the Record Store Day game, and unlike REV, Victory is sticking to those classics that will sell. No Baby Gopal or Hi-Fi and the Roadburners shit...nope, we get the classic Snapcase EP, Steps. I do love some early Snapcase.

One of Victory's biggest bands has to be Earth Crisis. I can only hang with the band though the Destroy The Machines album, so I'm glad the label chose to stick with the early years and repress the Firestorm EP.

Once I had all my RSD purchases, I headed over to the regular vinyl section. I'd downloaded the new Saint Vitus album last year, but it really didn't do much for me. I'd given it a few spins, and as much as I wanted to like it, it just wasn't happening. A month or so ago, I was out for a 10 mile run, and one of the new songs popped up in my running mix. I couldn't tell who it was, but I was loving the heavy doom sound, and singers voice pushed to song to another level. When I got home, I scanned back over the songs that had played and was surprised to find that it was Saint Vitus. It finally clicked, and I was glad to find a copy on Record Store Day.