I'll admit it. Sometimes I'm a little slow on the draw. Some bands just take a bit longer to hit for me for one reason or another, and The Chisel was one of them. I've dipped in to check them out occasionally since I first heard of the band back in 2021. I'd hear someone giving them a bit of hype and I'd queue up a couple of songs, but then would quickly move on when I wasn't really feeling it. Maybe I was just stuck on Chubby and the Gang, and didn't want to allow any other UK bands to come close to that style, but I could not ride with The Chisel... until earlier this year.Say what you want about Spotify, but it has straight up introduced me to so much music. Earlier this year, when I was listening to the Spotify radio, which builds a playlist based off of your listening tastes, it threw the song So Do I at me. I heard the song and had to check to see who the band was... and then a half hour later they were serving the song Unlawful Execution, and at that point I figured that I needed to pay closer attention to the band. I saw there was a newer pressing of the record available, and the vinyl was looking good, so I quickly added one to my cart.This record is really good. I tend to think that I'm not interested in the Oi sound in hardcore, and The Chisel gets that tag a lot... and that may have been part of why I was so hesitant... but this is good fast hardcore with plenty of snotty attitude, and I dig it. When I picked up Retaliation I had no idea that The Chisel had a new album out this year as well, so I'm definitely going to have to track down the What A Fucking Nightmare record at some point too.
Fan Boy
1 day ago