Back in September, I ordered the new Trial repress from
New Age Records. So much time had passed since then, that I'd forgotten exactly what I'd ordered. When
Sandwell posted four copies on his blog in December, I didn't remember ordering that many copies. For some reason I only remembered ordering two copies. If this was true I was going to need to place another order with New Age, and I was not looking forward to that possibility.

When the package finally landed in my mailbox in January, I was thrilled to find that I had ordered all four copies.

200 pressed on grey vinyl.

300 pressed on clear.

500 pressed on brown vinyl.

For best results, hold up to light.

Don't forget about the '77 pressing that New Age does with each repress. 77 copies on grey vinyl with the Walk Proud labels. Damn, did they have that many labels left over from the original Walk Proud run, or has New Age been printing them just for these '77 pressings?

In addition to the Trial 7 inches, I also picked up a copy of the Suppression Swing LP. Of course I originally bought this on CD back in the late 90's, but for $4.00 I figured it was time to grab a vinyl copy. Much to my surprise, I found that the vinyl has a bonus track that wasn't on the CD. Truly, one of the last great New Age releases.