Every time that I find a different pressing of the
Reveal 7 inch, I'm surprised. I know nothing about the pressing info on this record, so I get excited each time I find something new. This time around, I stumbled upon the pressing with the limited edition cover...except this one was blue and not orange, like the one I already have. Anything else that I was watching on eBay took an immediate back seat, as I set out to win this at any cost.

Just like the orange cover that I own, this one is hand numbered out of 100. I'm assuming that this is just one run of 100 on black vinyl with the big hole, and they just a couple different colors for printing the covers.

The question now is, are there any other different pressings that I don't know about?
one more version:
-big hole, black vinyl
-limited edition (100, numbered)
-yellowish cover
As far as I am aware, the "limited editions" were sold exclusively at the Vort 'n Vis festival in Belgium, sometime in the mid 90s. Back then this annual festival always had amazing line-ups. I bought it there from the guy who ran PMA records.
I own this version, and am willing to part with it:
I m getting rid of some other stuff as well, that you might be interested in. Haven't made a list yet. but f.ex. a Judge-NY Crew on Schism (3rd press), Wretched- In nome... 7".. do you have a "Want list"?
do you have email?
I sure do. ourveganfamily (at) roadrunner(dot)com.
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