Led by singer Craig Mack and bassist Jesse Stand Hard, Follow Through never seemed to reach the legendary status as Ten Yard Fight, In My Eyes and Floorpunch, but damn, they should have. With songs like You Booze You Lose, this Connecticut band were unapologetically Straight Edge and proud. I've had this on CD since it was originally released in 1997, but when someone posted a list of vinyl they were selling on the Livewire board, I didn't hesitate to take this Edge classic off his hands and finally get it into my record collection...and for the $3.00 price tag, I would be a fool not to. Now, you'll have to excuse me while I drop the needle on this album, and practice some stage dives on to my couch.
wanna upload some of this for me?
Really hope foundation still has this record variant tommorow when i see them.
follow throught is amazing man i have the 2 seven you booze you loose with 3 different sleeves check their first band tenfold there is 1 split with sum of all fears bridge 9 seven number 1 and tenfold tittleld now it s our time bridge 9 seven number 2 and anther tenfold seven called vegan justice sum of all fears have 1 seven and 1cd on the label east coast empire have you listening the band living hell with the singer of follow throught on revelation record ? if you want to e.mail me partuccimichel@yahoo.fr thanks
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