With each post that I write up about Foundation, it seems that they all start with something along the lines of, "I don't really collect Foundation records, but (insert some excuse as to why I've bought another Foundation record)". I suppose that I can only use that line so many times before I have to finally admit it... yeah, I collect Foundation records now.
Back in 2015, I missed out on the more limited color vinyl pressing of the last Foundation record, Turncoat. I sat around pouting about it for a number of months before I finally just bought the black vinyl because it was cheap and available. As soon as I sat down and listened to the record, I knew that taking the easy way out was a mistake. This record was great and I wanted something more special than the black vinyl. I dropped the limited red/blue split color into my Discogs want list, and figured that I'd wait until the hype on this band calmed down.As we were approaching the end of 2021, I wanted to make one more stupid impulse purchase before the year's end. When I saw the Turncoat record listed on Discogs where the seller included the description of "This shit is crazy, looks like a purple explosion in space god damn. Straight edge." Fuck me. Take my money. I wanted to own this more than anything. I didn't care what the price was and smashed that Add To Cart button and checked out.This colored vinyl is fucking amazing. Completely worth losing my mind over. Limited to 100.
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