1. One King Down 'Bloodlust Revenge' first press - Holy shit. This One King Down record may have been my favorite thing that I listened to all year. I've always liked Bloodlust Revenge, but I hadn't really listened to it for a number of years. I gave it a casual spin earlier this year, and it hit me hard. I listened to it again and again and again, and was very happy to pick up the first press on colored vinyl.
2. Vantage Point 'An Answer You Won't Find' record release - The Vantage Point record release was the last show that I went to in 2020. It had been a long time since I'd gotten myself out the door and on the road to a hardcore show. I've come to really hate driving and parking in Boston, so I've missed out on a ton of shows over the last five years or so. It felt great to be back in a small room and watching live bands play again while kids jumped all over each other. Fuck. I'd missed this. Every band playing that show was great, and I committed myself to getting out more often...and then COVID shut everything down. Buying this record release cover felt special.
3. AC/DC 'High Voltage' Aussie first press - I was able to grab a few really cool AC/DC records this past year, but an Australian first press of their first record felt like a real accomplishment. Adding this one to the collection means that I now have the first four AC/DC albums covered.
4. Foundation record release and tour press - I don't really consider myself a collector of Foundation records, and yet I keep finding myself buying them now and then. The two that I picked up this year were grabbed on a whim, and when they arrived I was in awe over how fucking cool they looked.
5. Scorpions Japanese pressings - I obsessed over Japanese pressings this year, and picking up three Scorpions records with the OBI felt pretty cool. I had always been content with Scorpions records that were cheap and common, but these Japanese pressings changed my outlook on collecting this band. I definitely want more, and hope to grab a few more in 2021.
Back in 2019, my desire to search out newer hardcore bands was reignited, and I chased that feeling all through 2020. While not as strong as the previous year, 2020 still delivered some great hardcore records. The new Ecostrike easily took the top spot in my Top 10, and I couldn't get enough of their 90's straight edge hardcore vibe. I probably listened to the new As Friends Rust more than anything, but with only two songs, I could only go as high as the number two spot...I really hope the band has more to give. Surprises of the year go to Chubby & The Gang as well as the new Higher Power record...both of them kept getting better and better with each listen. Add in a few other hardcore gems, and it wasn't a bad year at all.Thing were pretty cool with metal bands as well. Nothing was going to beat the new Testament record this year and I still get a charge listening to it. Blood Star came out of nowhere and were one of the few surprises...even their digital EP with Dokken and Uriah Heep covers was a blast...I can't wait for their full length in 2021. Considering that I never bothered with the last Midnight album, I was surprised with how much I liked this new one. Even older bands like AC/DC, Cirith Ungol and Deep Purple still manage to keep things exciting for me. Solid stuff.For a fucked up year, finding new bands and checking out new records brought a bit of normalcy to everything. Who knows where things will go for 2021, but whatever happens, I'll still be here talking to myself. If anyone else is still listening, I consider it a bonus, and I thank you for hanging out and following along with this nonsense.
I get excited to read your posts every year, and I need to read it through at least 3 times before I can come up with anything to say. But here are my random thoughts:
- Your intro was spookily similar to mine.
- The term 'Trumpster fire' made me laugh. It's clever.
- I never realised you were THAT into the One King Down record. I agree, it's great, and I love that you didn't pick up one of the horrible reissue copies.
- I was surprised to see the Higher Power LP in your list at all. And even more surprised to see Chubby up at number 3.
Also, it made me laugh when you said you were talking to yourself. I feel pretty much the same. Maybe we should just do these blogs over facebook messenger from now on?
Finally - I think that your target for 202 should be to do something about that list of top 10 wants that appears to be at least a year out of date.
Ooof....that Top 10 Wants list was embarrassing for last year. I put those records on their to keep them on my radar and to help me focus on picking them up...and I flat out ignored it for most of the year. Yeah, I've got to do better with it in 2021.
Just piping in to say that I check your blog just about every weekday and have discovered newer hardcore bands that would remain under my radar otherwise. Aside from being more into 90s hardcore than I am, you have so much of the same interests other than just hardcore, but 70s punk, NWOBHM, thrash, 80s metal, Thin Lizzy, etc. Always stoked to see what you've picked up. I struggle with top 10s, but my favorite hardcore records this year were Chubby, Rated X, The Chisel, Mutually Assured Destruction (as much as that counts) and Struck Nerve. And maybe one day I will give that OKD record a more attentive listen. I had the tape at the time, and I pretty much just listened to the opening track.
That is awesome! Thanks for the comment, Johnny. I sometimes worry that my erratic and unfocused tastes limits who may be interested in what I'm doing here...you know, metalheads only want metal, and hardcore kids only want hardcore...so it is cool to hear that some people dig the variety going on here.
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