I was pretty sure that we had seen the last of AC/DC when the Rock Or Bust tour came to a end in a ball of flames in 2016. Malcolm Young was already out of the band with dementia, and then Brian Johnson had to quit mid-tour with hearing issues. Oddly enough the band got Axl Rose to step in as the vocalist to finish the tour, but then Phil Rudd hired a contract killer and got busted for meth, so they had to get Simon Wright to jump in on drums, and by the end of the tour Cliff Williams was like "fuck this" and he quit too, leaving Angus as the last man standing. Honestly, I didn't expect them to come back after that. When rumors started flying around about a new AC/DC record in 2020, I was a bit skeptical.Not only are AC/DC back, but holy fuck, they come back with an album that leaves me awe struck. Power Up is the band's sixteenth album (well, seventeenth if you are counting from their Australian catalog), and it is good...like really fucking good. I'm not sure if it is because my expectations were low, but Angus pulled Brian, Phil, Cliff, and cousin Stevie back for an impressive showing. The more I listen to this record, the more I dig it. I don't know if it matches the hype that people keep throwing around, like "it harkens back to Flick Of The Switch", but if this is the album that AC/DC go out on, it is an exclaimation point to a solid fucking run.Solid yellow vinyl was only available in the US AC/DC webstore.
Finally In The Spirit World Now
2 hours ago
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