I typically add records to my Discogs wantlist on pure impulse. Something will catch my attention and I'll throw it on the list where it will sit for years. Sometimes I'll lose interest and move on like those U.D.O. and Gamma Ray records that I put on my wantlist 7 years ago, and others will sit there as I wait until the stars align and the record condition and price are just what I'm looking for.Five or six years ago, I found myself obsessed with early punk and was uncovering a lot of classic bands and records that I'd never bothered with up until then. I discovered a lot of great stuff at that time, with one of those bands being The Weirdos. I was really digging their first two 7 inches, and I threw them on my Discogs wantlist. I picked up the single for We Got The Neutron Bomb a couple of years ago, but the band's first record, Destory All Music, continued to evade me as sellers generally ask stupid prices for records. When a seller finally posted one for sale with a reasonable pice, I jumped on it.The Weirdos were a punk band out of Los Angeles, and you can hear how they influenced bands like Circle Jerks with their frantic energy. This first single from 1977 is Punk history. Outside of these two 7 inch records, I'm not sure that the band really keeps my interest, but that early stuff is fucking great.
Don’t Know
13 hours ago
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