The early part of the 2000's were a weird time for me musically. I'd kind of lost touch with the more underground side of hardcore, and was actively looking for different things to listen to. I was all over the place and spending a lot of time with bands like Slipknot, Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit... plus I was checking out a lot of hip hop as well as some blusey garage rock stuff like The White Stripes and The Black Keys. Strange days indeed. By the time we were hitting 2004/2005, I ended up shaking off most of that stuff and diving back into straight ahead hardcore again. Still, every once in a while, when I'm feeling a bit bored with everything and need something different, I'll dip back into what I was listening to during those weird years to shake things up.When I was recently picking up the reissue of Seaweed's Actions And Indications, I noticed that the store also had a pink vinyl copy of Thickfreakness from The Black Keys. I hadn't really bothered with this band for well over ten years, but seeing this album in the store gave me the sudden urge to revisit them. Sure, I could have probably just queued them up on Spotify, but instead I decided to spend money on the vinyl. Makes perfect sense, right?While this is listed as "pink vinyl" as a part of some campaign with other bands to raise money for cancer charities, I don't think they did a great job getting the color right. I mean, it matches the red from the cover perfectly, but as far as "pink" goes... not quite.
Finally In The Spirit World Now
15 hours ago
Fun fact - I have 3 Black Keys LPs. My early 00s experience was similar. Around 2003/4 I was out of touch with hardcore a little and only really followed the 'bigger' labels that were turning to shit, and like you I ended up looking a little wider. A friend introduced me to The Black Keys and I really liked them, although never bothered with anything after the 4th LP which I think was around 2006. Of those first 4 LPs, this is the one I don't have on vinyl.
That is too funny. I stuck with them until the Brothers album in 2010, but after that they started to get too poppy for me. After writing this post though, I've been thinking that I want to check out some of their newer stuff.
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