Nothing Done were a Dutch hardcore band that released a few records with Not Just Words Records in the mid 2000's. I fucking loved that band's fast and aggressive early 80's hardcore style at that time, and Everybody Knows was one of my favorite new releases back in 2007. I've picked up a few special pressings of the Nothing Done records over time, but it has been a few years since I've collected anything from the band.I've had this pre-order sleeve for the Everybody Knows album on my Discogs wantlist for years. Nothing Done records don't carry a high price tag, so it wasn't going to break the bank picking up this record. I haven't made a move because I just haven't been too interested in chasing variants for records that I already own a copy of. Recently that rigid mindset has changed a bit for me. Collecting multiple copies of records has proven to be great fun lately, so while I was in the mood, I grabbed this special cover for Everybody Knows from a seller overseas.Nothing Done have some great looking special covers, and this pre-order one for Everybody Knows is no exception. It is just a single sheet of heavy stock paper that lays on top of the regular cover, but it is still a nice looking design. Number 38 of 100 made.Six different versions of the two Nothing Done albums. I obviously need to step up my game on the Idiot Stomp 7 inch, as there are a few more special covers that I need for that one.
16 hours ago
This is rad. I only have the first LP, which I definitely enjoyed at the time, but don't think I even know there was a second one. I may have to see what's lurking on discogs...
Wow, I missed this band when they were around. I am binging this on Spotify right now. The 7" ripped, listening to the first LP, it rips. These guys were good as hell. I want that 7" skateboard cover on a shirt. I will be buying these records.
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