Satan were originally a part of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, and they released a stone cold classic with Court In The Act in '83. I still need to get that album into my collection, and with my push to make a run at some serious NWOBHM records this year, I'm really hoping to cross it off the want list soon. Until then, I've got the latest Satan album to keep me warm at night.After a number of member changes, name changes, and years of inactivity, Satan came roaring back in 2013. The three albums they released after reforming have all made it to the number one spot in my year end ranking for metal. They have to be one of the better bands to come back and record new shit. As soon I saw they were releasing a new album this year, and preorders for Earth Infernal went up, I didn't hesitate to throw some money to Metal Blade.The band isn't doing anything new here with Earth Infernal...just another solid traditional heavy metal record. This is exactly what I'm looking for in my metal...sounding like the 80's in 2022. Almost 40 years since the classic Court In the Act, and Satan still bring some quality metal.
Don’t Know
1 day ago
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