When I started getting into hardcore in the early 90's, Victory Records was one of the labels to watch, and at some point I picked up the Insight 7 inch,
What Will It Take. That record was amazing, and I placed Insight on equal footing as bands like Insted, Outspoken and Endpoint. When I received a newsletter from a distro that was selling an Insight record called
Standing Strong, I quickly dropped some cash into an envelope to order a copy. Sure the record was a bit more expensive than I was used to paying for a 7 inch, but I loved Insight and I was prepared to pay the money to get some new songs by the band. Well, those were the good old mailorder days, and information on hardcore bands didn't generally travel all the way north of Boston to Maine, so I had no idea that
Standing Strong was the original record, and that Victory had repackaged and renamed the record when they released it. I bought records, but I wasn't a collector at the time, so I was kind of disappointed when I discovered that there weren't any new songs when the record arrived. Same thing happened when I bought a Chain of Strength record named
Confusion. Fuck. It sucked getting burned like that. Ha ha ha.

Here we are 30 years later, and Victory is going by the name Mission Two Entertainment and repackaging that Insight record again...except this time it is included in with the band's full discography. In addition to the original six songs from the Insight 7 inch, we also get the tracks from the Only The Strong and Voice Of Thousands comps, a live set from '89, plus four new songs.

The new songs are ones that Insight had been working on back in '89 for an album that never happened...and they are the only reason that I was excited to buy this new record. It is pretty cool to see these same four guys getting back together to properly record those songs and release them here. Judging from the video the band did for the song Take It Back, Insight still have some important shit to say and the delivery is passionate.

Nice packaging here with a few liner notes on the history of the band and a ton of old photos.
168 pressed on red and black swirl vinyl.
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