My copy of the second Jameson Raid 7 inch arrived a few weeks back, and when it did, I paid a visit to my friend Jeff for a bit of a vinyl brag. Like me, Jeff is a big fan of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal stuff, and for years he has taken every opportunity to rub it in my face how much better his collection is than mine. Since he had discovered Jameson Raid last year through some recent discography LP that was released, I couldn't wait to show off that I'd bought the real deal with an original single from 1980. After spending the evening giving the record a spin on his turntable and talking about obscure NWOBHM singles, I was itching to rush back to Discogs and see what other trouble I could get into. The next day, I'd loaded up a few more NWOBHM records into my cart and was clicking the Place Order button.Trespass were one of those NWOBHM bands that probably should have made a bigger impact than they did, but for one reason or another never made it to that next level... maybe it was because the band never released an album, and only dropped three 7 inch records over a three year period. I'm always fascinated by bands like this... bands that only left behind a small string of independently released records before fading into obscurity (no, I haven't bothered to check out their album from 1993, or what they have done since resurrecting themselves in 2014).Jealousy was the second 7 inch from Trespass, and the two songs here are great. The shipping for this was super quick. From the UK to the US it took about five days. Amazing.
Finally In The Spirit World Now
2 hours ago
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