Earlier this year, Be Well released a two song 7 inch, and that record really sank its hooks into me. I loved those songs, and it had me amped for the release of their full length album. As soon as preorders were up, I was in there trying to decide which option I should grab out of the 12 different pressings.I wasn't going to get bogged down worrying about shipping costs or any of that bullshit. I was excited for the record so no expense was spared, and I quickly added the End Hits exclusive pressing with the limited sleeve. Overseas shipping be damned. Now, I really like the regular cover for this album, but there was something extra cool about the screened cover...plus it all looks great with the clear red vinyl...and I had to have it.This album is really good, and you can hear that there was a lot of passion put into these songs. A lot of internet nerds are calling it their "record of the year", but I'm not quite there with them...yet. It took some time for the 7 inch songs to really hit me, so who knows were this will end up as I give it more spins between now and the end of the year. While I do really like it, there are times when parts of it remind me of the early Get Up Kids...and I just want to hear something more like Battery. I'm sure it will continue to climb in my Best Of list for the year, but we'll see how it shakes out with repeat listens.Limited to 100...just like the most of the twenty fucking three other pressings.
A Deleted Symphony
22 hours ago
Hang on a second... YOU GOT ONE OF THE LIMITED COPIES /100?!?!
One already sold on Discogs for almost $100. Might be time to sell! Ha!
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