I did a pretty solid job chasing after some New Wave Of British Heavy Metal records last year, but for this year, it has been a total bust. I've had my sights set on other targets, and that has kept my attention for most of the year. As we started to move into September, and it seemed like the end of the year was creeping up all too quickly, I started to take stock of where my focus had been for record collecting this year. I noticed a large hole when it came to NWOBHM, and it suddenly seemed urgent that I fix that oversight.Persian Risk were a NWOBHM band out of Cardiff, and are probably best know for having Phil Campbell on guitar, before he jumped to Motorhead in '84. I first discovered the band last year when I was downloading a ton of rare NWOBHM stuff on Soulseek, and given the Phil Campbell connection, I was surprised that I'd never heard of them before. I really enjoyed what I heard from their first two 7 inches, so when I started thinking about a NWOBHM shopping spree, Persian Risk was my first search on Discogs.Like I said, there were two options I was looking at for Persian Risk records...the Calling For You 7 inch from '81, or the Ridin' High single from '83. Calling For You was released on some obscure independent label called SRT and can carry a price tag between $200 and $300, and Ridin' High was released on Neat Records and goes for around $50...alright...looks like I'll take the Ridin' High option. Damn, NWOBHM collecting is no joke.
A Deleted Symphony
22 hours ago
Although SRT did act as label the vast majority of the releases, such as Persian Risk, were custom presses released by the bands themselves, often in pressings of 500 or 1000. I love finding SRT custom pressings while out digging, you never know what you're going to get!
Oh actually, while we're discussing NWOBHM on SRT custom pressings you should check out 'Hold Back The Lightning' by Tyrant which is a fantastic slice of metal (and waaaaaaaay more rare and expensive than the Persian Risk, I'd love to find a copy but I don't think it will ever happen unfortunately),
Thanks! This is great info. I was looking up some info on SRT and wondering if they did independent pressings for bands as opposed to being an actual record label, and that confirms it!
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