It seems as though I am destined to never see Hands Tied live. I travelled to Boston around 1997 or so, because if memory serves me correctly, Hands Tied was playing at The Rat with Ten Yard Fight and Shift...only to find out at the door that Hands Tied had cancelled. The band was pretty short lived, and soon broke up. Apparently they are back together, and have a new two song 7 inch to their name on Livewire Records. The band is back on the road, playing a few shows. They were part of an amazing line up in Massachusetts back in August with ON, Get The Most and Mindset...I had family commitments and was forced to miss that show. I then hung my hopes on the A Time We'll Remember fest coming up in November. Again, those plans were crushed as my annual roadtrip with Rob and Paul couldn't happen that weekend due to more scheduling conflicts. Damn it.

Even though 13 years have passed since the Hands Tied debut, this new 7 inch fits right in with the rest of their material. Great straight forward hardcore that is dedicated to the Straight Edge.

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