Thrash and Speed Metal ruled from around 1985 to about 1990. For Metal, nothing can touch the bands that released the classic albums during that period. Sure everyone remembers Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, and Megadeth, but I also cherish Forbidden, Rigor Mortis, Exciter, and Tankard. Something about thrash from that time period was just a big middle finger to all of society's was loud, proud and didn't give a fuck. Thrash was a statement of my separated me from most of my peers, and was the one part of my teenage years where I didn't feel like an outsider...or more likely, it made me feel comfortable being an outsider.

Some things never change. I still don't understand what most people are chasing in this life. The only difference between then and now is that I no longer feel the need to try and keep up with everyone else. I do my own thing and it makes me happy. Of course music is a big part of what makes me happy, and I love the fact that there are new bands around today that are still blasting out Thrash Metal like it's 1986. One of my favorites from the recent Thrash revival is Gama Bomb. The band isn't going to threaten the Big Four of Thrash, but they can certainly keep up the pace with the second tier Metal bands from the Golden Age of Thrash. Their first album, Survival of the Fastest, was recently released on vinyl and since I only had a downloaded copy, I was happy to finally grab a copy for the record collection.

The coolest piece of the packaging for this record is the Certificate of Authenticity. Nice thick paper that lists the release date, the total number that were pressed on vinyl, and how many were pressed of the specific color. 105 were pressed on clear vinyl, with mine numbered as 197 for the total 525 that were pressed. It is because of this Certificate that I want to pick up a few more colors of this LP.
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