My final Metal post for the Halloween season, and I've been saving the best for last...Slayer's box set, The Vinyl Conflict.

It must have been over a year ago when I first heard that Slayer were going to be doing a vinyl box set, and since I had very few pieces of Slayer vinyl, I could not wait for this to be released. Like Iron Maiden vinyl, most of the Slayer catalog has not been re-pressed on vinyl since it's original release, and to pick it up on eBay is going to cost you anywhere between $25 to $50 each. While picking up this box set was the most that I have spent on one item, I consider it money well spent.

The box itself is solid and well put together. I do wish that they had included a special booklet with the box...something that was limited to the box set that included photos and writings about each album. Instead, all we get is the back panel on the box that just shows the albums and songs included in the box set.

This thing is so thick and heavy!

10 albums, 11 pieces of vinyl. Comparing
Slayer's newest album, World Painted Blood, the LP sleeve used for the box set is much thicker and sturdier than the one used for the regular release. The whole box set is just really well done, and does not feel thrown together.

Box sets are proudly displayed in my Music Room, and since this one is so big, it gets it's own section.
I was extremely impressed with the price of this thing. They could have easily put a 200$ price tag on it, but they really did the world favor. Good job by them for sure.
I'm not a Slayer fan, but I love box sets, and this one looks really cool.
Marcus - Reign In Blood?
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