Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Two Eyes For An Eye

A few posts back I mentioned that I avoid discography collections when it comes to buying records... so of course I'm here to post a discography collection that I picked up recently.
I'd been listening to bands like Sick Of It All, Agnostic Front and Cro-Mags for a couple of years before I truly got into hardcore. I started going to metal shows in Boston at the beginning of 1990, and over the next year, newer and more underground hardcore bands started to make their way into my periphery. By the time we were moving through 1991, I'd pushed a lot of metal aside and Boston Hardcore was my new personality. Bands like Kingpin and Dive were so important to what I was discovering for new bands at the time, but Eye For An Eye just seemed to be on another level. Boston loved that band, and went off the few times that I saw them at The Channel or Bunratty's. Because they were such a formative part of my entrance into the Boston hardcore scene, when Deathwish recently released a compilation 12 inch that contained the band's two 7 inches, it made it really hard to not pick one up... plus, I'm fairly certain that is me in the Bad Religion shirt off to the right, by Lloyd's foot, so that was another incentive to grab a copy.
When it was announced that Eye For An Eye were going to do a reunion show with Have Heart in Boston on July 20th, I was crushed. I had family plans for that day that I was not going to be able to get out of, and it was very disappointing to think that I was going to have to miss out on seeing the band that was so important to my true hardcore introduction. Thankfully, a few weeks before the Have Heart show, Eye For An Eye announced that they were going to be doing a smaller show the night before. Now that was a show that I could make! I might be exhausted for my nephew's wedding the following day, but it was a price that I would gladly pay.

I ended up connecting with my friend Pete that lives in Boston, and made plans to get some pizza before the show. The pizza place was just around the corner from the club, and as we were eating, all the dudes from EFAE came in and hung out with us. Kind of a funny moment with the guys from the band introducing themselves to me like I didn't just drive 120 miles to specifically see them. Fun times for sure. I was a bit anxious about the show and having to awkwardly hang out before the band started, but man, once they started their set with Signs Of The Pride, I was transported back in time. Band was so fucking good that night, and I'm very glad that I made the trip.

One more photo that I stole from the Eye For An Eye instagram page that shows how much fun those early 90's Eye For An Eye shows were, and includes a young and crew cut version of me peaking up over the guy climbing on the crowd.


mcs said...

This was a good read and a nice story. Sounds like a great night. The only disappointing thing here is the look of the record itself. Still, if you keep it in the sleeve and never take it out then maybe in time you will forget what it looks like and it will just be about the front cover.

Mike said...

It is all about perspective. If you look at the two other colors that Deathwish used for this, suddenly this one looks really good.

mcs said...

I had a look and you are right. Wow. Makes me wonder what response you would get if you email them and asked if it would be possible to purchase just an empty sleeve with no record inside?