Friday, August 09, 2024

The Return Of Fu Manchu

I keep having the best of intentions of getting back to posting regularly here on the blog, but time moves so fast these days that I blink and a week has gone by... being away for four days last weekend to see Metallica play a couple of shows did not help with my posting here either. Speaking of shows, I'll be seeing Fu Manchu play with Clutch next month, so let's get to their new record.
There is no bad time to listen to Fu Manchu, but summertime sets the perfect vibe. As soon as I gave their new record, The Return of Tomorrow, a listen, I was hooked on that fuzz. You know exactly what you are going to get with Fu Manchu. There are still a few Fu Manchu records that I haven't heard, but each one that I spin is just a blast... and this new one is no different. Perfect summer soundtrack.

It has been over 10 years since I last saw Fu Manchu play live. It was shortly after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the city went into total lockdown for a manhunt shortly after the show... so let's hope things are less dramatic when I see them next month.

Vinyl tends to look cheap these days with gross patterns, so it is always an unexpected surprise when it looks this good AND matches the cover art. More of this please. "Sky and Space" colored vinyl limited to 4,000.

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