I can't remember exactly where I heard about The Living Memories. I want to say that either Youngblood Records or Aram posted something about the band on Instagram. I'm not really sure, but I noticed that this new band had Aaron and Stephen from The First Step... so without giving it any thought, I rushed to quickly order their latest record. The First Step is one of my favorite bands from the past 20 years, so I didn't bother to check out a song or anything. I just dove in blind and bought a copy of Home Truths with unflinching confidence that this was going to be the best hardcore record that we would see this year. Fuck me.I'm dumb. Had I done any kind of homework, I would have quickly discovered that The Living Memories is NOT a hardcore band. Now, I don't listen to The Smiths, but I imagine that this is what two older hardcore dudes that are super into The Smiths and wanted to do something similar would sound like. Again, I'm not really familiar with The Smiths, so I could be way off base here, but I'm not too interested in them and would have avoided The Living Memories by association.There are only six songs here, and I tried to approach this with an open mind. The first song isn't terrible, but by the end of the first side, I'm ready to move on. It is probably good for what it is, but I'm just not the target audience here.The record came with an appreciative note from Stephen, and a nice newsletter. Ohhhh. there it is in the title of the reprinted interview from No Echo. I don't think that I'm a "jangle pop" guy.
Bane Bane Bane
19 hours ago
If you want your money back, I'll gladly take this off your hands.
Not sure how I'll get it to you, since overseas shipping is so costly.
Good point. Maybe try faxing it?
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