Man, things have been incredibly busy here over the past couple of weeks. The holidays and stuff just ate up all of my time. I've got some new records that I haven't even had time to listen to yet. Shit's been crazy. One of my projects has been completing the shelving in my Music Room, the walk-in closet dedicated to nothing but record and CD storage. Damn, this has been a long, drawn out project. Back in April, we finished one wall of shelving for my vinyl, and here we are eight months later, finally finishing the opposite wall for my CD's. Steve came over on Saturday and helped me figure out the design, and get all the wood cut, and then I got it all assembled over the next few days. With today off from work, I spent about 6 hours organizing the room, and getting CD's on the shelves. Now I just need to buy a table to hold my stereo, finish the flooring, and this room will be complete.

Now that I've moved all the CD's to their proper place, I have a ton of room for more records.

I can't believe that I almost filled all of the shelves on my CD wall. 2,284 CD's in all. Along with the 634 albums and 705 seven inch records, this is my obsession.
Amazing. My life ambition is to buy a house and have a dedicated music room. You're living the dream. I'm a bit concerned that your LPs seem to be stored in a weird order though. Are you filing them in alphabetical order from left to right, cos everyone knows you're supposed to go from right to left! Oh yeah, what the hell is that Youth Of Today record? And what's the record with the red spine behind the YOT LP that you seem to have about 10 copies of?
I have my albums seperated into two different sections...the top row is for metal and rock, and below that is the punk and hardcore. I'm obsessive about organizing my collection. Alphabetical by band, right to left, and then for each band their released are organized chronologically, again right to left. When I'm feeling extra geeky, I'll sort each release by pressings, starting with the more limited ones. That YOT record is the Take A Stand Live album from Lost and Found Records. The red spine one is Verse "From Anger and Rage". I only have 5 copies of that one...it's a gatefold sleeve, so it looks like I have more than I do.
wait a minute, I store them from left to right. Who the hell, goes from right to left?!?!?!
I go from right to left. It's based on logic though. If you look at LPs on their side (as yours are) the text on the spine runs from top to bottom. So if you were to stand and read them, you would read from right to left, since (like a book) you naturally read "downwards". If they are arranged (like yours) left to right then you have to read "upwards" to go from A to Z. So there you go. With this in mind, please re-arrange your records ASAP :o)
That is madness! You read left to right, so it only makes sense to start with the letter A and continue through the alphabet the same way.
Yeah, but if you turned yours through 90 degrees, so they were in a vertical stack, your A section would be at the bottom, so you would have to read upwards, which is clearly incorrect. I need to get more opinions on this highly important subject...
Actually, here is a good rgument for my method - If you had them facing forwards in a long line, so that you browsed them by flicking through and looking at the covers rather than the spines, you would have A at the front a Z at the back... and if you then looked at this line from the side, you have a stack that went from right to left.
IF they were in a vertical stack, or in a line like at the record store, your method would be correct, but they aren't...they are side by side, and therefore your alphabet is backwards and you are wrong. ;)
Ha! At least you acknowledge that my method is based on some kind of sensible logic. That's enough for me. I started a thread on this on vinyl collective. At this early stage of the vote, it seems I am the only person in the world who does it correctly... hehe!
Ha ha...I've been searching the Livewire board because I thought there was a post about this a while back...I came up empty though. Your method is also a great security measure. No one will ever be able to find that rare record in your collection that they want to steal. "Where the hell are Marcus' Youth of Today records!".
wish this was my room!
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