I definitely fall into the trap of impulse buying. As I was dicking around on my phone one evening, scrolling through social media apps, I saw an ad for a new vinyl reissue for the Primus album Frizzle Fry. I really enjoyed this record when it came out in 1990. I was still very much into metal at the time, and just starting to discover hardcore, but there in the outside of all that aggression was Primus. They were different, and I liked that they didn't fit the stereotype of what people expected me to listen to so I latched onto all the weird quirkiness that Primus delivered. Now I haven't really cared about Primus since those early 90's, with the exception of a slight increase in interest for the band when I caught them live on the Maine State Pier with Clutch back in 2017... but seeing this reissue and how nice the vinyl looked, well, without much thought I added it to my cart and checked out.While it has been fun revisiting this record, I'm not sure that I really needed the record. I mean sure, for nostalgic reasons, a part of me would like to have a complete vinyl collection of everything that I was listening to as a kid through the 80's and early 90's, so in that aspect it is nice to have it on the shelf... but there are plenty of records that I definitely should own before Frizzle Fry.500 pressed on clear with blue swirls with people already trying to flip them to Discogs for stupid money.When I was buying Frizzle Fry, they also had a bundle option that included the live Primus record from '89, Suck On This. I was making questionable moves already, so I might as well go all in.I had probably listened to this thing a handful of times since the early 90's, but listening to this record I knew every note and between song banter. Not essential, but still a lot of fun.
Finally In The Spirit World Now
15 hours ago
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