Inspired by the new banner that Tyler added to his blog, I decided to try and add some personality to my layout as well. I have also been thinking of renaming this blog for a while now. I loved the Record Nerd name when I created the blog two years ago, but I wasn't aware that the name was already being used by a website to show off your record collection. I had probably heard the name at one point and stored it in my brain subconsciously. With a new banner, comes a new name, The One Thing That Still Holds True. The name, of course, comes from the band Chain of Strength. When I was running through song and album titles, trying to find something that clicked, this one just seemed perfect. Music has played such a huge part in making me who I am, and it is something that even now, after all these years, is still such a big part of my life. So there you go, Record Nerd is dead...long live this one thing that still holds true.
Don’t Know
1 day ago
The new banner looks awesome. I've gotta get back to blogging, I've been way to lazy the past month or so.
it looks awesome, its perfect!
jealous of all the records Mike.
So do you have the new Ceremony record already and if so what is your opinion on it?
I haven't even heard the new Ceremony record yet! I need to get on that.
I will tell you in advance Rold, and Mike. It's decent musically, it's angry and all that, but lyrically, for the most part it's atrocious. Dude needs to get some new content to write about!
I knew that there would be at least 4 Have Heart records in that banner!!! :)
I also included Poison Idea's Record Collectors are Pretentious Assholes. :) Lots of variety up there....J Church...Insted...Policy of 3...and In My Eyes.
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