One of the reasons why I have been slow to get the blog updated is because I joined a book club, and I'm trying to keep up with the reading. This ain't no ordinary book club, this is the Manly Book Club...no girls allowed...no books about travelling pants. When Rob first came to me with the idea, I thought that it sounded like a lot of fun. I used to read non-stop...always burning my way through another book. Once the kids came, and I got a "real" job that didn't allow me to sit and read for most of the day, all my reading time dried up and I've never gotten back to it. I figured this was the push that I needed to start up again. The initial idea included just Rob, Brent, and I. The two of them were avid readers, so I was excited to see what book was going to be chosen as the first recommendation. Before too long, our group had expanded to include two more members, and we were off reading American Shaolin by Matthew Polly. The book was a fascinating trip with the author, as he looks to transform himself from a 98 pound coward, into a kung-fu fighting machine. In many ways I could really relate to the authors struggles with insecurity, and was completely in awe of his trip to China to train with the Shaolin monks and create a positive change within himself. It was a really fun read. However, I failed to finish the book in time for our book club meeting at the end of the month, leaving myself open to ridicule for being the only one that didn't complete it. I was feeling a little disappointed with myself for not finishing it, and I was seriously contemplating dropping out. But, damn, when we got together to talk about the book, it was such a fun time. Just a group of guys, hanging out and laughing about parts of the book. Immediately after the meeting, I knew that I needed to finish this book and prepare myself for the next one. I went home and banged out the last 50 pages over the next couple of days. I am up for this challenge. Bring it on.
Reading is great, I am trying to read at least a book a month, but it does not always work out. I put the American Shaolin on my 'to read' list. Maybe shelfari.com is a good site for your bookclub, you can post books you're reading, have read or want to read and make a bookshelf widget of it ;-) You just gotta love the internets haha
Please keep me posted on book ideas, I will share a few from my collection as well!
Hell yeah reading is awesome and I'm glad you have rediscovered it. I try and read at least 100 pages a day which I almost always succeed. Especially now with some time off I find myself walking to the public library twice every week to check out which new english books they have gotten in.
Looking forward to an ON full length as well.
I'm really liking that On demo as well, it's got a bit of Go It Alone vibe to it as well, at least the guitars, the production sounds exactly the same as it was on "Histories"
I agree with Onno and Rold about reading, the last 18 months I've always had a book I'm reading and being in a club would also help to keep motivated. Are you guys reading mostly fiction, or non-fiction, or a bit of both?
We rotate through the club members, and have one person pick a book of their choice each month. Could be either fiction or non-fiction...it would be your choice.
I really like music biograhpy books and I used to read a lot of thrillers, but they all read alike, so I am trying to find out of the ordinary books now. I ordered JPod this week, I hope that one is any good.
Oh yeah, I love music biography books. The ones by Marin Popoff are my favorite...Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and Dio. I used to read a bunch of Horror books, and then got away from that and only read political stuff from people like Howard Zinn.
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