Saturday, January 04, 2025

No Escape From The 90's

When No Escape released a new album in 2021, it had me hopeful that their underrated 1993 classic record, Just Accept It, was finally going to be pressed to vinyl. It took a few years, but I'm happy that it has finally happened.
No Escape were a hardcore band out of New Jersey in the early 90's. They released a split 7 inch with Turning Point, and I think that people tend to overlook those No Escape songs just because the TP songs are so good... plus they released an album that was only available on CD from Overkill Records, and not being available on vinyl, plus from an obscure hardcore record label, probably caused that album to be overlooked as the years went on. For me though, I've always thought highly of Just Accept It, so when I saw that REV was packaging the album along with the comp tracks and demo songs, and releasing it on wax, you better believe that I was grabbing it. I was so excited about it, that I even bought one of each color vinyl options they had in the store.

Blue vinyl was only available in the REVHQ store and was limited to 200. Ummm... why was this not on yellow to match the cover and the REV logo?

Man, it feels so good to have this record readily available and on streaming platforms.

250 pressed on coke bottle clear vinyl. There is also an indie record store exclusive of 250 pressed on green, and I'm wondering if I'm also going to need this one. But if I buy all three versions of this, do I also need to go back and buy more copies of Selective Punches? How far down this No Escape hole do I go?


itallcomesdowntothis said...

Both of these colors look so much better than the ugly army green I ended up with. But I agree, the songs on this record are so good.

mcs said...

I'm looking forward to hearing the new mix of these songs. I still have the Overkill CD and it always sounded like absolute crap to me, really tinny with no bass or volume.