Monday, January 06, 2025

Winds Of Praise

7 Seconds records don't seem to be very difficult to collect, and yet I've never really put much effort into it. When I saw a couple of them in Tim's collection, I figured that it was about time that I filled some holes.
I'd probably consider New Wind to be the end of the "classic" 7 Seconds era, although there are a few songs here that hint to where the band was going in the next year or so. I remember picking up the CD for this in the early 90's and being very unsure on what to think of this record. Some of the songs were great (hell, I named my single issue zine that I did in the mid-90's after the song Still Believe), but at the time I remember having a difficult time getting through this album and I didn't play it very often. I probably enjoy it a bit more these days though, so I'm glad to finally own a copy on wax.
Black vinyl with the green labels will do for now, but I'd really prefer the red vinyl version.
Look, my introduction to 7 Seconds was when I bought the CD for Soulforce Revolution. It was a bit confusing at the time because other hardcore kids seemed to talk highly of this band, and this U2/alternative influenced version of 7 Seconds was not what I was expecting... but I didn't know any better, so I listened to that record over and over until I forced myself to like it. Once I bought the Skins Brains & Guts 7 inch, then it all made sense, but Soulforce Revolution had still earned an appreciation in my mind.
While I did like Soulforce Revolution at the time, I considered it lessons learned and didn't bother to check out any other 7 Seconds record from that time period. So when I saw the Praise 12 inch in Tim's collection, I was excited to finally check it out. These past couple of years have proven that I'm hungry for different things and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and give it a spin... and it is no surprise that it is exactly what I wanted from this record. Give me more of the Kevin Seconds goofy hat era.
Cool to see the two merch inserts with this record.

1 comment:

itallcomesdowntothis said...

I really like the Praise LP and I love its artwork plus color scheme.