I'm a big fan of The White Stripes, and I thought that their last album,
Icky Thump, was the best thing they had done since
Elephant. My wife and I don't get out to concerts together anymore...apparently she no longer has the desire to drive 2 hours to hardcore shows and watch me pretend that I'm not an old man as I
stagedive onto kids half my age...but when The White Stripes came through Maine, back in 2007 (holy shit, has it really been three years?!?!), the two of us hooked up with Rob and Heidi and headed to the show. Jack and Meg White were just amazing, and played a truly great show. This live album, captured during their string of shows across Canada from that same 2007 tour, is kind of a disappointment. Sure there are some killer songs on here, including one of my favorites,
300 M.P.H. Torrential Outpour Blues, and the alternate version of
Ball and Biscuit is kind of cool, but as a whole, this live performance doesn't give me the same level of excitement like
Under Blackpool Lights did. Still this is a well packaged double album, and is a nice reminder of that concert in Portland.
Did you see the 'It Might Get Loud' docu about Jack White/The Edge/Jimmy Page yet? Phenomenal!
I only got into them very recently, great band.
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