Pure impulse buy. I lost an auction for a Record Release pressing of a Champion 7 inch, and was feeling like I needed to buy something (anything) to console my loss. I was browsing through the Heavy Metal records on eBay and came across a seller that was unloading a bunch of Raven albums. I figured that if I could pick up a few of them for cheap, I'd be happy with that. I threw in a bid for a handful of them, when I checked back later, these were the four that I won....$20 total. The classic albums went for more than I was ready to spend, but I'm happy to add these to the collection. The Pack Is Back was the low point in Raven's career, pressure from the record label for a more commercial sound killed one of the great bands from the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal era. But even with with the commercial leanings, when the album was released in 1986, I still loved this record (cheesey horn sections and all). After the album flopped and drove away more of their fanbase, Raven tried to regain their original sound with the Mad EP. With that EP, and all the albums that followed, Raven have stayed true to their original formula.
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