I've enjoyed most, if not all, of Jello
Biafra's stuff. I wouldn't say that I'm a huge fan of anything outside of the Dead Kennedy's, but I have liked all of Jello's bands. The name of his new project is a mouthful...Jello
Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine...and it is everything that you would expect it to be. It's political, it's punk rock, but it may be the best thing he has done since his collaboration with No Means No back in 1991.

Apparently I'm supposed to care about who is in this band, but I don't. Never heard of them.
You dont know Faith No More? Have you been living under a rock...
Were they that band that had the song We Care Alot? Of course I know Faith No More, but I never saw that guy as a driving force behind the band.
Over the last 20 years I have tried numerous times to like any of Jello Biafra's post-DK projects, but mostly failed (with the exception for LARD, where his monotone, droning voice really worked). If you can make bands so diverse as NoMeansNo, D.O.A. and Melvins all sound the same then something is not working...
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