Last night, I hit up the local Cruel Hand show with Rob and Paul. The last time that I had seen them was at the final Have Heart show, and the band really impressed me live. This show was about 20 minutes from my house, so I figured that I'd go check it out. I had never heard of any of the other bands on the bill, and walked into the Deering Grange Hall with pretty low expectations. Sure enough those expectations were met. Bad set of bands, and it was accompanied by some of the worst moshing that I have ever seen, as the pit was full of windmill spins and donkey kicks. The band on stage would be playing some slow doom riff, and yet kids were still thrashing around full tilt, like Exodus was launching into The Toxic Waltz. Total retardation. Of all the opening bands, the only one I held the slightest interest in was War Animal. The singer looked like a Lemmy clone, and wore a bullet belt. As they set up, I turned to Rob and said, "Well, this looks promising". Too bad that the sound system turned their sound into a blur and other than the occasional cool riff, I couldn't hear much of their sound. Cruel Hand played a good set, with a few songs off their album Lock & Key, that will be out next month. Seemed like their set was short, but the band sounded tight. Man, they must have one of the best drummers in hardcore...that guy just kills it every time I see them.

When Rob was buying his copy of the record, the guy at the merch table dug into the box and handed him number 12. Numbers 4 and 5 were on display at the merch table, and I wanted number 4. I don't know why it matters, but I'm a geek and I like low numbers. I picked up number 4 and told him that I'd take one 7 inch...still he dipped into the box and pulled out a record for me to take...number 11. Damn it. I handed him my 10 dollar bill. He said that he needed to go get change, and as he stepped away, I set my number 11 on the table and took the number 4 that I wanted. Why did it matter? I have no idea.

Nice slight of hand, man, switching those records. Haha! I would have just asked for the lowest number he had. I stopped being embarrassed about this shit years ago.
Love your page and collection dude.If any day you want to sell the cruel hand special cover please let me know, which probably wont be the case haha.
hmmm, I was very bored and I was just clicking "next blog" over and over again. I finally stumbled upon an interesting one, yours! I was pleasantly surprised by Cruel Hand, I also saw them when they toured with Have Heart for their farewell show in ATL. I had never taken the time to listen to them (CH) before then, silly me! Anyway, nice post and nice collection judging by your header photo.
wow, i didnt even know they had these. My name is nate, i took the original picture used for the 7'. I really wish i would have known about these, is there any way i can pay you for one?
Wow Nate, I'm surprised that they used your photo and didn't even let you know! That's not cool. Sorry man, this tour pressing is the only one that I have, and I'm not going to part with it. Bridge Nine should still have them available in their webstore, if you want a copy.
Oh no they asked me for permission and everything way before, and have hooked me up with a bunch of stuff, but i didnt know about the stephen king pressings. I dont expect them to send me everything they use it with at all, they are constantly on tour and are super good guys, but i was just wondering if you would part with your extra sleeve, but its cool man. I enjoy your collection by the way, very nice man.
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