Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Keep It Coming

I've found myself pressed for time lately...trying to keep this blog updated, and trying to keep up with the pile of new records sitting beside my computer waiting to be listened to and filed. And while I still have 13 pieces of new vinyl waiting in the wings to be added to the blog, I still find myself with an overwhelming desire to continue to buy more. There is no question that record collecting is my vice. I curse the mailman each day that he does not deliver the package that I've been waiting for. I spend more money than I should, and I burn more time on this obsession than is probably healthy. But it is what I love, and so therefore I make no apologies for it. I just turned 39 years old this past week, and it is funny how strong a hold this music, and this record collecting hobby, still has on me. I'm not just talking about the classics that I grew up on either. Hardcore has never died for me, and I still actively search out new music, and I still get a charge finding a new band that gets my heart racing, and reminds me just how much this all means to me.
This post is for the Not Just Words pressing of the Keep It Clear 7 inch. I got the North America pressing from the band a couple months ago, and I immediately loved their old school style of straight edge hardcore. I liked it so much that I ran out and ordered the 3 pressings from Not Just Words. 125 on clear orange, 165 on clear green, and 480 on black.


Anonymous said...

Happy belated b-day Mike! I loved your post, it sums up my feelings about HC as well. Most of my older friends who were into it who have drifted away from it are totally amazed that I'm still involved in it, makes you feel a little weird sometimes!

Doug W said...

Mike, I am 39 as well and have never spent more time or money on records than now. I think it is a combination of access (no internet or ebay in 1987 when I graduated high school) and disposable income. I may bitch about family/adult costs and all that, but I have WAYYYY more disposable income now than I did when I was 20. That will be obvious when I make my next Chain of Strength post!