So fuck that. I'm going to have to stick to my bargain basement finds. This arrived in the mail last week. Face the Nation from Carry Nation, on clear vinyl. I already owned this on black vinyl, but my collection is better off for adding the clear vinyl pressing to it. What a cool record, released on Dan O's Workshed Records. I'm not sure how many are pressed of this color, or if Workshed released it on any other colors, but guess how much this one cost me. 99 cents. Not even a full dollar for this classic. Now that's what I'm talking about.

The other record that I picked up, from the same eBay seller, for cheap was Endpoint's Idiots 7 inch....also on clear vinyl. For some reason, I had never picked this up over the years. In fact, I'd never even heard it...but hey, it's Endpoint, so it couldn't be too bad. Cool record, full of cover songs, and the band tips their hat to Samhain with the cover of the record. Nice selection of songs, as they cover Embrace and Rites of Spring...both of which fit the bands style a Misfits cover, and another song by Malignant Growth (who I have never heard of). Picked this one up for $3.99. I also saw a copy of this on blue vinyl, but I'm not losing my mind over the need to get every color for this, so I passed on it.
So, fuck your $500 records, I only spent $5.00 on these two. Shut up, yeah, I'm jealous of other people's disposable incomes.
I saw his Chain Of Strength True till Death 7" on clear went for over $400! That Carry Nation 7" is a good find, totally forgotten classic. No one ever talks about it....
Which Brotherhood 7" went for that much? Was it the one with the acetate sleeve? I saw that go a couple of days ago for $311. I bought the exact same record last year (you can find it on my blog) for £30 (circa $40). So never say never, dude. There are still bargains to be had. Plus my theory is that someone selling big lots on ebay will get more since more people will find the auctions.
Anyway, cool bargains. I think i have that Endpoint on blue. I also have the Carry Nation on clear, got it in a trade via the Rev trade board years back. All of Dan O's bands are good in my opinion.
Yeah Marcus, it was the acetate sleeve. This one had a yellow font on the front cover, and I think that yours was red. Good news on the $40 find for you....maybe I still have hope. I had checked popsike prior to the Turning Point auction closing, and saw that in the past they were selling for around $125...which I would have spent, but $300 was too much for me. Maybe that one was abnormally high as well.
That TP on red which I luckily own is an inflated price, it wouldn't surprise me if the next one sells under $180. Weird how people spend big at certain times, but it's definitely not consistent. Maybe it was because it was being sold by an established member of the hc scene. A totally different and more influential old scene guy like Jeff Nelson always gets larger bids on records than they normally go for just because they were a part of his collection.
Carry Nation is a great ep btw.
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