Saturday, July 28, 2012

Assault On The Horisont

Yeah, Horisont are another Swedish band that were heavily inspired by 70's Hard Rock (see also Witchcraft and Graveyard). I really liked their 2009 debut, Två Sidor Av Horisonten, and have been anxiously awaiting their follow up on Rise Above Records.

I downloaded the album, and it didn't grab me immediately (partially because I had no patience to listen to anything outside of 80's Hardcore at the time) didn't help that shipping is crazy expensive for overseas orders from Rise I held off on ordering. After sitting with the songs for a month or two, it was really starting to grow on me, and I finally place my order.

Rise Above usually does a special pressing, called the Die Hard edition, for most of their releases. This typically includes some kind of special packaging, or cool odds and ends that are included with the record. In most cases, they sell out very fast. I've always held off on buying any Die Hard editions because they cost more, and any order I place with Rise Above is already going to cost me a small fortune, so I usually pass. With the new Horisont LP, I figured that I'd finally spend the few extra pounds, and without really checking what was included with the Die Hard version, I grabbed one on black vinyl.

When I finally received my package, I started looking through the record to see what made it "Die Hard". I couldn't find anything that would have made it extra special. I checked online and found that it was supposed to come with a poster and a patch. Hey, where was mine? It wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped, but I still kind of wanted it. I emailed Rise Above and Jeremy wrote me right back apologizing. He promised to beat the guy that packaged the record and to send me the items that I missed out on. Over a month later, I still haven't received the poster and patch. That fucker better have received his beating.

1 comment:

mcs said...

Haha! That made me chuckle...