Tuesday, December 17, 2024

She Loves Me Not

While I'm a huge fan of No Escape, Deadguy and Bitter Branches, the one Tim Singer band that I've never paid much attention to has been Kiss It Goodbye. Back when the that album was released in 1997, I was all about the youth crew revival stuff and the Kiss It Goodbye record was too chaotic sounding to leave much of an impression on me. It was okay, but not something that I was interested in listening to very often. Looking at my listening history, I can see that I've listened to She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not exactly twice in the last 15 years. So yeah, while I'm familiar with the songs, I've never spent a lot of time with this album.
So while I still own my original CD from 1997, I'd never bothered with the vinyl for the Kiss It Goodbye album. When I saw that Rev was reissuing the record, and more importantly doing a special cover that was limited to only 50, I figured that it was time to finally buy the vinyl and really spend some time with the record.
This is a good record. I like all the other Tim Singer bands more, but I'm glad that I picked this up. I really like the look of this limited cover, and the stamped and numbered record label is a nice touch. Number 41 of 50.

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