My first experience with 7 Seconds probably wasn't the best. When I first started getting into hardcore, I had heard the band's mentioned left and right. Everyone seemed to like 7 Seconds. I decided to check them out myself, and I picked up their newest CD at the local record store.
Soulforce Revolution. Of course the band had been moving in a more indie/alternative direction, and I was left pretty confused. What the hell was everyone talking about? Over time, I grew to enjoy
Soulforce Revolution, but it was when I decided to take another chance on the band that I discovered why they had earned their reputation as hardcore legends. I had seen the
Committed For Life E.P. at
Newbury Comics, and the band didn't really resemble the
dreadlocked band that I was introduced to on
Soulforce Revolution. No, this band was raw. This version of 7 Seconds was HARDCORE. It wasn't until I was browsing through Al Barkley's eBay listings back in July, that my attention was drawn to the numerous pressings of this 7 inch. I knew right then that I needed to start collecting them.

So here we have the 6th and last pressing of this 7 inch on Squirtdown Records. This one has the orange cover, but according to Al's website, there appears to also be a 6th pressing with a yellow cover. All pressings after this one were on the Pazzafist label. Grabbed this copy for $6.50.
Love this record, besides The Crew, best record they ever did. I wish someone would release their "3 Chord Politics" demo, it's amazing sounding. For some reason, I always put off seeing 7 Seconds, I think I figured they would always be around! Woops....
I went to see them on the Soulforce Revolution tour, but I left before they went on (Eye For An Eye opened for them, and after seeing them I had no interest in wasting time with 7 Seconds). I did finally see them a few years ago with Champion. Excellent show. Champion played wearing the 7 Seconds style eye-black, and 7 Seconds played with all the band members wearing Champion t-shirts. It was a lot of fun.
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