Wow, I sure didn't by much vinyl in February. This past month I actually put most of my money into my CD collection. Up until recently, I never put much thought into collecting CD's. Over the past 5 or 6 years, I've gone nuts downloading music. Using Napster, WinMX, and Soulseek, I had created hundreds upon hundreds of burned CD's....stuff that I had no intention of buying because I had limited myself to only purchasing punk and hardcore. Over the years, my interest has moved from that singular focus and has expanded to include Rock and Metal. I grew up on Heavy Metal, and since the nostalgia for those old bands has kicked in, I'm not too impressed with my collection of burned CD's and homemade packaging. The collector in me has taken over, and I need to own the real deal for a lot of it. We are also putting an addition on my house, and I will be gaining a large walk-in closet to store all of my music. The thought of having shelves of my CD's on display, cluttered with a bunch of burned disks, pushed me to start cleaning it up. I still have over 800 burned CD's, so it will take some work, but I'll get there.
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