Monday, May 20, 2024

Razzle Dazzle

When I picked up the new Blood Ceremony album last year, I was kind of surprised that Rise Above Records was still going. The label started to release some stuff that I wasn't interested in at the end of 2019, and then they fell off my radar completely. It was nice to get the Blood Ceremony album from them last year, and when Sandwell sent me a message that the label was releasing a new single from a band that I might be interested in, I figured that I'd check it out.
I wasn't sure what to think when I heard the name Bobbie Dazzle and saw that Rise Above described them as 70's inspired glam rock, but the record cover did catch my attention, so I figured that I'd check a song to see if I should pick up the record.
Initially, I thought these two songs were just okay, but the more I listen to them, the more I like them... and it is only a two song single, so it makes it really easy to throw this record on for a quick listen. This record has been a nice surprise and I'm hoping that we see more from this band soon.

100 pressed on purple sparkle colored vinyl.

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