Tuesday, August 27, 2024


When I was recently picking up some 90's colored vinyl, and was poking around to see what else the seller had that might be interesting, the cover for the Shatterhed 7 inch caught my eye.
I knew nothing about this record, and had never even heard of Shatterhed before... but the record cover had a very 90's hardcore look to it, so I brought up the Discogs entry for it. Okay, the record is on 1124 Records, and I know that I have a 7 inch from this label in my collection for a straight edge band named Blindside... so that made up my mind and I knew that I was going to buy this.
This Shatterhed 7 inch is very much in the melodic hardcore vein of the time. When the record arrived as a part of my Discogs order, and I put it on the turntable, I didn't think that it was all that noteworthy, and I felt that maybe it was trying too hard with the melodies... but after listening to it a few times, these three songs are really starting to grow on me. I'm liking this more and more, and while it isn't going to touch some of the more well known bands of that time, this was still a fun discovery.

Probably the most surprising thing was that I was able to find the mp3 files for these songs on Soulseek. In a world of Spotify streaming, small bands like this get lost to time and dust, so I was happy that I was able to load them into my iTunes library and have these songs at my fingertips to play on the computer.


mcs said...

You have somehow managed to find a 90s hardcore record that I have never heard of before. I am intrigued...

Mike said...

You probably hadn't heard of it because it was only on black vinyl.

mcs said...
